
Jason Constantine Ford


Jason Constantine Ford is from Perth in Australia. He works as an employee at a book shop. He has over fifteen years of experience in studying various styles of poetry. The major influences on his style of poetry are William Blake, Edgar Alan Poe and Gerard Manley Hopkins. Blake’s ability to address the social issues of his time through poetry and painting has had a lasting impact upon Jason’s early years. For correspondence, contact Jason at jasonconstantineford@gmail.com

Eclipse at the Gates

Denial walks from place to place

Without a sense of grave disgrace

From keeping lips which never talk.


The men renowned for hiding face

With veils denying any trace

Of what is real, begin to walk.


A book of lies is being carried

Upon the backs of men married

To form of creed which oscillates.


Shadows are passing through the street

With steps which now complete

The final stage of reaching gates.



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© Copyright, 2013, Jason Constantine Ford.
All rights reserved.