Nellie Wong
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Approaching old age with a cleaver
Murder certainly is not my intent
Stretching arthritic fingers a daily endeavor
The dance on the chopping block beckons seizure
Creating a tango of firmament
Approaching old age with a cleaver
Fingers grip the handle of wooden texture
Command the hand with wild-orange scent
Stretching arthritic fingers a daily endeavor
Walking a picket line for ample treasure
When salt and pepper can be evident
Approaching old age with a cleaver
Old devil years weep and sing with pleasure
“Tiger Near My Body” causes no accident
Stretching arthritic fingers a daily endeavor
The art of aging takes work and leisure
Wrestle or wrangle with hours well spent
Approaching old age with a cleaver
Stretching arthritic fingers a daily endeavor 



How did I reach a sweet seventy seven?
Certainly not by retiring from life
No longer must I punch a clock before eleven
Content to read past midnight with no strife
Certainly not by retiring from life
Practicing Qi Gong and walking uphill
Writing at one in the morning oh sharp knife
Playing Words with Friends better than pills
Practicing Qi Gong and walking uphill
Eating plant foods, steaming cod with ginger
Perusing novels with heartbeats and fingers still
The body salutes when the brain’s a humdinger
Eating plant foods, steaming cod with ginger
And plotting stories of mystery and muscle
On this planet of war, violence and singers
Resistance flows deep with little tussles
And plotting stories of mystery and muscle
Organizing to tax the rich and supporting public will
The bombs of foreclosure, oh the thieves do rustle
CEOs and giant financiers just filling their tills
Organizing to tax the rich and supporting public will
Reaching seventy seven means that leisure is not all
The arms, torso and legs stretch, cognizant, unstill
Through seasons of turbulence and waterfalls
Reaching seventy seven means that leisure is not all
No longer must I punch a clock before eleven
Through seasons of turbulence and waterfalls
How did I reach a sweet seventy seven?



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© Copyright, 2012, Nellie Wong.
All rights reserved.